There are a number of procedures that may be performed in-rooms, with your Exercise and Sport Physician using ultrasound guidance where required. In the case of more complex procedures (e.g. for the spine) the Physician can refer you on to a radiology practice.
Cortisone is a potent and short-acting anti-inflammatory that can be injected into certain joints or inflamed bursae (fluid-filled sacs). This can assist with pain relief and reductions in inflammation.
Durolane/Hyaluronic acid
Durolane (Hyaluronic acid) is an injection used for arthritis, particularly of the knee, with longer lasting symptom relief. Durolane in the knee acts as a lubricant and shock-absorber. Your Exercise Physician will then encourage a period of rehabilitation, such as the GLA:D program for Knee and Hip OA.
A hydrodilatation is used to treat the pain associated with frozen shoulder. A mixture of cortisone and saline is used – cortisone to treat inflammation and saline to expand the joint capsule. The resultant period in symptom reduction can allow a more effective rehabilitation.